Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Love Life Like No Other

I think I'll stretch this topic over a few days because there's so much to it.

My friend Oce commented yesterday about the need to proceed into ministry opportunities with peace. I so agree. It's 'way too easy to assume that we need to accept every op that comes along, when in reality, that's not always the case. Also, we don't have to accept invitations immediately -- rather, we need to take time to listen to God's voice before saying yes. If we can do so with peace, then great! Move ahead. If there's an uneasiness, then say no. Sometimes "doing" ministry can actually get in the way of our relationship with the Lord, and proceeding without Him is a sure-fire way for that to happen.

Here's something that I've found interesting in the past week. I often wake up with a praise song running through my head. It never dawned on me until a few days ago that this could be the Lord Himself speaking to me, using the song as His instrument. Maybe I'm a bit slow to catch on. You see, He's ministered to me many times through music, but those times have always been when I've been awake. This is different - the songs are already playing in my head when I wake up.

This morning I woke to the Newsboys' "Amazing Love" -- aka "You are My King." Rather than brushing it off as simply a nice song, I considered it God's way of speaking to me. I made a cup of tea, took my Bible and journal to my favorite spot in my living room, and spent a few quiet moments savoring the message in the lyrics, "Amazing love, how can it be, that You my King should die for me?" What a great way to start my day, being reminded by God Himself that He loves me and wants relationship with me!

Now that I'm aware of Him speaking through these early morning songs, I make a point of being quiet so I can hear them and understand what He's trying to tell me.

How about you? Have you had a similar experience with a song?

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